Welcome to my pages. The Czech Republic (or abbrev. Czechia) is the country in the middle of Europe. I am proud of being her citizen and living there Napajedla is the town in Czechia where I live with my wife, children and pets. Zlin is the city where I work. Sorry for any inconvenience, this page is still (and will ever be)under construction. Visit me also at WWW FORTUNECITY Karel Kysilka
Last edited: March 31, 2000 |
GenealogieDìjiny staletí - The Family Chronicle of a Czech Miller´s Family:The History of my ancestors 1535 - 1948 Czech Surnames - a short essay on the history and distribution of our family names. Economical and social diversification of the Czech rural population durig feudalism.This is the explanation what does it mean if your ancestor was a "lanik - Hufner - Lahner " or chalupnik - Chaluppner - cottager" or daily worker - "podruh - Inmann" The development of Parochial Vital Registers in the Czech Lands.including an alphabetical list of parishes in Eastern Bohemia (the district of Chrudim) A short description of the Records and Collections of the Moravian Provincial Archives in Brno. Administrative Division into Regions and Districts from 17th century to novadys is discussed here.
NEW ! Emigration from the Policka district to the USA in 1850 - 1890 . A full text of my papers, presented on the Genealogy Semiñar of the Czech Heritage Society of Texas in Hillsboro, TX. on July 31, 1999.
NEW ! Historical Overview of all political and judicial districts in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia between 1850 - 1949. NEW ! Administrative Maps of Moravia and Silesia as per 1848.
Moravian Chapter of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and SciencesHome Page
Links to Czech Towns and CitiesHome Pages of Czech Towns and Cities, A - PHome Pages of Czech Towns and Cities, P - Z Unofficial Home Page of the town of NAPAJEDLA., where I have been living for almost 20 years.
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