Oficiální webové stránky SVU: http://www.svu2000.org/
Jednotlivé kategorie jsou:
A. "SVU Headline News"
B. "Who Are We And What We Do"
1. Our Aims and Objectives
2. SVU Organization
3. SVU Membership
4. SVU World Congresses
6. SVU Regional Conferences
7. SVU Publications
8. Special Projects and New Initiatives
9. Other SVU Activities
10. Grants Awarded to SVU
C. "SVU Milestones"
1. Historical Overview
2. SVU Chief Executive Officers
3. SVU Local Chapters in Retrospect
4. SVU Interest Sections and Committees
5. SVU Meetings
6. SVU Publications - A Bibliography
7. Art, Book and Stamp Exhibits
8. Music, Drama Productions, The Writer Forums
9. External Grant Assistance
D. "SVU Awards"
E. "SVU Calendar"
F. "SVU Picture Gallery"
G. "SVU President's Corner"
H. "How to Join SVU"
I. "SVU Forum"
J. "Other Links"
K. "Feedback".
Původní webová stránka SVU na serveru FEFHS
pro ty, kdo se jen tak lehce nezbaví nostalgie
Datum poslední úpravy: 30.11.2000
karel.kysilka@post.cz |